Reliable modeling, analysis and planning for
improve the performance of the distribution system
CYME International T&D provides world-class power system engineering solutions, with an established reputation for its high degree of customer focus and proven technical expertise. CYME’s solutions support over a thousand power transmission and distribution projects in more than 100 countries around the world.
CYME provides a wide range of software products for the analysis and design of power systems with the most advanced tools for the analysis of power transmission and distribution networks and industrial systems. CYME also offers a full range of services such as engineering studies, system integration consulting and training.

The portfolio of solutions that CYME offers, is conformed by:
Solutions for distribution networks
- Distribution Network Analysis (CYMDIST)
- Advanced Project Manager
- Network Forecast
- Energy Profile Manager
- Reliability Assessment (CYMDIST RAM)
- Transient Stability (CYMSTAB)
- Harmonic Analysis (CYMHARMO)
- Arc Flash Risk Assessment
- Dynamic engine start
- Optimization of the system configuration (CYMDIST SOM)
- Restoration of service for simple contingencies (CYMDIST CAM)
- Substations and Sub-Networks (CYMDIST SUB)
- Secondary networks
Other programs and solutions for distribution networks:
- CYMDIST Gateway
- Coordination of protective devices (CYMTCC)
- Substation Grounding System Design and Analysis (CYMGRD)
Solutions for transmission and industrial networks
- Power Flow (CYMFLOW)
- Short Circuit Current Calculation (CYMFAULT)
- Arc Flash Risk Assessment
- Harmonic Analysis (CYMHARMO)
- Advanced Project Manager
- Transient Stability (CYMSTAB)
- Dynamic engine start
Other programs and solutions for transmission and industrial networks
- Protective Device Coordination (CYMTCC)
- Substation Grounding System Design and Analysis (CYMGRD)