Strategy and Processes
The critical aspect fundamental to achieve the efficiency of the organizations is the organizational alignment, that is to say: to facilitate that the strategies, the human, technical and financial resources, the infrastructures and the systems of management are aligned at any moment, thus to guarantee the achievement of the objectives and also, to facilitate the adaptation to the changes in the environment, the technology or in the models of business.
We provide consulting services in the situational evaluation of the organization and analysis of business processes, in order to propose solutions that allow the achievement of the proposed goals.

GE Smallworld Projects
Accredited as a General Electric Energy VAR, IT Consultants provides implementation, data conversion and consulting services applied to the GE Smallworld family of technology-based geospatial solutions. Our specialists have a vast experience in implementing solutions on GE Smallworld platform, having developed projects in several countries in Latin America, Europe and Asia.
Development and Implementation of Information Systems
We offer services in the development and implementation of Information Systems, being able to integrate and to apply diverse technologies and products, applications in environment Web and especially Geospatial Information Systems, looking for at any moment to select those solutions that are most adapted for the established objectives.